How to get free diamonds in Archero 2?

I have listed all the ways to get free diamonds in Archero 2 without hacks or cheats.

Archero 2 Diamonds

Diamonds are hard to obtain and very valuable. You can purchase character shards, gear chests, and scrolls with the diamonds. Below, I have listed all the ways you can obtain green diamonds for free without hacks or cheats in Archero 2.

Use The Codes

The Archero 2 game developer releases redeem codes regularly each month. You can use these codes and get free rewards such as diamonds, energy, coins, shards, etc. I recommend redeeming these codes as soon as they are out. I have listed this game’s working codes on this page: ⇒Archero 2 Codes.

Participate In The Arena 

PvP arena is the spectator mode where your built character fights another player’s character. As you win and gain points, your rank will increase. At the end of the season, you will be rewarded with diamonds, coins, scrolls, and frames based on your ranking and stage. The better the rank, the more the rewards. Tap the event tab in the lower-right corner of the game screen. On the events menu, select arena mode. Tap challenge. Select the opponent who has lower strength than yours. On the arena ranking screen, in the upper-right corner, tap the rewards button to see the reward list per arena rank. The ranking rewards are sent via mail at the end of each round. On the game’s main screen, tap the menu button in the top-left(three horizontal lines) and mail.

Arena Reward - Archero 2 Diamonds

Do The Quests & Achievements

Tap the task center button on the game’s main screen at the top right. On the daily tab, you get quests daily. Complete all of them and get 100 diamonds every day. On the weekly quests, you get quests every week; you have one week to complete these quests and receive rewards. 

Quests & Achievements - Archero 2 Diamonds


Sign-in rewards are daily attendance rewards, including coins, keys, ruined shovels, wish coins, and diamonds. Log in to the game daily and claim these rewards.

Signin Reward - Archero 2 Diamonds

Daily Reward

You can claim up to 10 diamonds daily for free. Tap the privilege card button below the menu button in the top-left of the game’s main screen. 

Daily Diamond Reward - Archero 2 Diamonds

Season Reward

Finishing daily tasks grant activity points. As you gain these points, the season level increases, and you get rewards. On the game’s main screen, tap the season banner at the top to check the current level and rewards.

Season Reward - Archero 2 Diamonds

So this is all I have got in this article. 


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