Updated on: November 14th, 2023
Golden Bazaar Game of Tycoon is the latest release from 37Games. Read on for the Golden Bazaar guide, gift codes, tips, cheats & strategies!
Article Contents⇓
- Intro
- Basics Guide
- Property Guide
- Retainers Guide
- Trade Guide
- Suburb Guide
- Companions Guide
- Offspring Guide
- Tips On Progression
- Gift Codes
Golden Bazaar Guide, Gift Codes, Tips, Cheats & Strategies⇓
In this Golden Bazaar Game of Tycoon guide, you will learn how to play this game, tips & tricks on progression, how to get and redeem the gift codes, and other aspects such as companions, retainers, trade, currency, and much more. So let’s not waste any time and check out the Golden Bazaar guide, gift codes, tips, and tricks for beginners: –
Getting Started With The Golden Bazaar Game Basics⇓
(1) In Golden Bazaar Game of Tycoon, you start playing as Drudge in the beginning, as you gain fame and level up, the game will promote you to the next tier ranks; from Drudge to Laborer, Laborer to Foreman, Foreman to Overseer, Overseer to Supervisor, and Supervisor to Manager.
(2) At each rank, new functions and bonuses are unlocked. Retainer Trade function unlocks at Drudge II rank. Companion Relocation function unlocks at Laborer I rank. Curio function unlocks at Laborer II. Tour function unlocks at Foreman II. Warfare function unlocks at Overseer I. Guild function unlocks at Overseer III. Spinning Room function unlocks at Supervisor I. Celebrity Biography function unlocks at Supervisor II. Treasure Hunt unlocks at Supervisor III. And, each next rank gives you free crystals, increases companion summoning cap, restores energy, offspring enhancement cap, and basic enhancement.
(3) Level Up: To level up your main character in Golden Bazaar, you need to meet minimum requirements; fame and earnings. You can obtain fame points through trading. And, increase the earnings by recruiting staff at shops or facilities in the town and through making updates. In the upper-left corner, tap the character icon -> on the ext screen(status), at the bottom, you can check the required fame and earnings. If you are low on fame, go trade. If you are low on earnings, go recruit staff and make upgrades. Once all the req. are met, tap the upgrade button and the game will promote you to the next tier rank and you will get bonuses and access to new functions.
Golden Bazaar Property Guide For Beginners⇓
On the property screen, you will see a bunch of shops and facilities such as a tailor shop, salon, bakery, bank, fruit shop, etc. The shops that you build, generate income over time. On the top-right corner of the same screen, the game displays the earnings per second. You can generate more coins or earnings by tapping the bank.
To increase passive earnings(per second earning), you need to build and improve the buildings. Just tap on a build; you will see two options; recruit staff and upgrade bonus. Tap the recruit button to recruit more people and increase earnings per second. Tap the upgrade button to upgrade that building or facility; it will cost you a “property plan” item that you can get from the in-game mall with crystals or through random rewards(lucky draw).
You can also increase the earnings from these shops by deploying the retainers. Tap on a shop on the property screen -> go to the deploy tab -> tap the + button to select a retainer. Based on the selected character’s stats, you will get the bonus.
Other bonuses include home, guild, companion, and bank. To upgrade the bank in Golden Bazaar Game of Tycoon, you will need bank plan item; obtain through lucky draw or others; quests/events.
Golden Bazaar Retainers Guide For Beginners⇓
Retainers are the main characters in Golden Bazaar Game of Tycoon that can help you occupy territories, provide bonuses when you deploy them on the shops, and discount on trades. In the Golden Bazaar game, these Retainers belong to one of five classes; Scholar, Farmer, Arisan, Merchant, and Brawler. You will need specific aptitude books to increase these Retainers’ aptitude. For instance, Book of Farmers – to enhance farmer’s aptitude skills. Head to the Retainer menu and tap on a Retainer card to check its class, aptitude, skill, and curio.
To get more discounts, bonuses, occupy territories, you must improve these characters. There are several ways to improve or enhance Retainers/Characters in Golden Bazaar Game of Tycoon: –
- Use the credits to upgrade Retainers; obtain credits through trading
- Equip and enhance Curio
- Upgrade Retainer skills and aptitudes using material items; like potions, books, etc.
- Enhance the bond
- Advance Talents
- Boost Retainers
- Advance Retainers
- Retainers Aura
You can unlock new Retainers by raising the level of the main character.
Golden Bazaar Game of Tycoon Guide To Trade⇓
On the trade screen, you will find a lot of locations where you can trade items with merchants and earn a variety of rewards. Go to the trade screen, in the top-left corner, you will see the order; each order demands specific items. You can obtain these ordered items through the locations shown on the trade map. Tap on a location with the item icon -> spend gold coins and get the items.
You can raise the retainers’ stats and get more discounts. Tap the trade button in the lower-right corner to spend the gold coins for the items that you need to complete the order. Once you have acquired enough quantity, you will get to deliver the items to the merchant. You can negotiate before completing the deal. From trading, you can earn credits, fame, and other rewards. Also, trading unlocks new buildings.
Guide To Suburb In Golden Bazaar Game of Tycoon⇓
On the Suburb screen, you will find a lot of functions such as guild, relocation, treasure hunt, warfare, feast, celebrity biography, recruit, tour, and more. Some of these functions are unlocked by default while some them unlock when the main character’s level is increased to a certain rank. Read the basics guide above for more details.
Some of the main functions on this screen are; relocation – occupy the mansion and get bonuses. Guild; join a guild and get access to guild modes and events.
Golden Bazaar Companions Guide⇓
Companions are beautiful female characters that you can date and marry and have kids with them. Go to the home screen of the game and tap on the companion option. This will open the companion menu where you can check the complete list of companions; tap on a locked companion and in the lower-right corner, you will see how to get it. Tap the summon button in the lower-right to summon companions(random companions; it costs energy) – cheap version of the date.
You can date the companions once you have acquired them. Your first companion in the game would be the flower girl. Go to home screen -> companion -> flower girl -> tap the date button; travel and bath – chances to have a baby aka offspring. It costs diamonds and bath items(rose oil) to date the companion. At the bottom of the companion profile, you can check its stats; charm stat and intimacy stat.
- Send a gift to the companion to raise intimacy and charm. The higher the intimacy, the higher the children’s earnings. And, the higher the charm, the higher the bond.
- Upgrade the companion skill to improve property earnings and retainers work
- Promote the companions to enhance the banner and equality of offspring
Golden Bazaar Offspring Guide⇓
Date the companions(bath or travel; not summon) to increase the chances of having an offspring aka baby. Enhance the offspring to get credits. Offspring’s stats are based on companion’s intimacy and charm stats. It costs vitality to enhance the offspring. When the offspring becomes an adult, you can plan her/his marriage. Only grown-ups can marry.
Golden Bazaar Tips On Progression⇓
- Complete the main quests(lower-left corner) as they guide you to basic concepts
- Do the dailies to earn free diamonds and upgrade materials
- Complete achievements to earn free diamonds
- Upgrade the main character(req. – fame and earnings) and unlock new content
- Tap the bank to yield gold coins
- Develop retainers
- Get new companions
- Trade to unlock new buildings and earn credits, fame
- Join a guild
- Yield gold coins by recruiting staff and upgrading properties
- Date/Summon companions daily to raise their intimacy/charm stats
Golden Bazaar Gift Codes⇓
To redeem the Golden Bazaar gift code, tap the game assistant icon on the left side(the floating icon) or go to settings -> user center -> wait until the page loads completely -> tap on “gift code exchange” -> enter serial number and code -> tap the redeem button. Check the in-game mail box to receive code rewards. As of now, we don’t have any gift codes. If devs release any code, we’ll share it here.
So this would be all in this post on Golden Bazaar guide, gift codes, tips, and tricks for beginners. Got more tips? Comment below.
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