Updated on: March 31st, 2024
Read on for Charlie in Underworld Walkthrough Guide: All Endings, Album, Titles.
Charlie in Underworld Walkthrough Guide
Charlie in Underworld is a mobile game published by Buff Studio. It is a sequel to Underworld Office; make sure to get all the endings in that game before your try this one. You can read our Underworld Office walkthrough here.
Charlie in Underworld Walkthrough Guide: Characters
- Charlie
- Eugene
- Boss
- River
- Hayden
- Joan
- Sean
Who am 1?
I don’t know.
They say I was a dark evil spirit before, but so
It’s not like I know.
I’m only here because they took away my
scissors but longer I’m here with these fools,
things I don’t want to remember keep coming
back to me.
Huh? Did I just say things I don’t want to
remember? Uh?
Hello, I’m Eugene.
You may ask what a mortal is doing here.
Haha, well, that’s a long story! Oh my, looks like
someone needs help over there. I’ll be right
I have no expectations of you….. So don’t worry needlessly.
Ah, another beautiful and disgusting day!
How was your day?
Who did you meet and what did you talk about
and think about?
What did you dream of and what did you
trample on?
Tell me.
Hayden did good deeds again today!
Just a little more and Hayden can cross over!
Why do I want to go there?
Hayden’s a ghost right now so Hayden can’t live
with mortals, right?
That’s why Hayden has to do lots of good deeds
now so Hayden can be really shiny bright and
meet them again!
Ay. Still so young, must’ve broken your parents
That’s what kids are.
You’ll never forget ’em whether you’re dead or
Come and take a break whenever you like. I’ll
always be here.
Charlie in Underworld Walkthrough Guide: Timeline
- Chapter 1: Charlie
- Chapter 2: Underworld
- Chapter 3: Hayden
- Chapter 4: Joan
- Chapter 5: River
- Chapter 6: Eugene
- Chapter 7: Collapse
Chapter 1: Charlie
- Scissors….
- That thing outside the
Chapter 2: Underworld
- Starts the investigation with the cat whisperer
- What am I supposed to cut?
- So give them back now
Chapter 3: Hayden
- Let’s go as soon as Eugene gets off work!
- Then… what about Hayden?
- Dammit, it’s already the third time.
Chapter 4: Joan
- Why’s everyone looking so down?
- I still got a lil fight in me.
- ….there’s something.
Chapter 5: River
- Chaaaaaaaarlieeeeeeeee
- Where are we going!
- Boss, you son of a bitch, where are you!
Chapter 6: Eugene
- I’m sorry, I’ll do it over…
- I wonder if that giant knows something.
Chapter 7: Collapse
- I can’t see anything in front of me.
- F**k, boss man, you, you.
- Bonus for finishing: Dream[Revi shared it in the comments below]
Charlie in Underworld Walkthrough Guide: Endings
In the current version of Charlie in Underworld, there are four endings:
- Charlie and Eugene
- Only Charlie in Underworld
- Sees the ending where both Hayden and Joan could not be saved
- Tap the timeline to see the complete bonus ending[have not found it yet]
Charlie in Underworld Endings: How To Get Charlie and Eugene Ending?
Always make the first choice! The best way to get this ending is by selecting the first choice every time you are asked to make one. From the start to the end.
Charlie in Underworld Endings: How To Get Only Charlie In Ending?
Always make the second choice. The best way to get this ending is by selecting the second choice every time you are asked to make one. For instance, there are three choices that you can make:
- Choice A
- Choice B
- Choice C
You will choose the choice b[the second one].
Charlie in Underworld Endings: How To Get Sees the ending where both Hayden and Joan could not be saved?
Revi shared this ending in the comments below: – In order to get this ending where you cannot save Hayden anymore, you have to tap on chapter 3. Hayden> “Dammit, it’s already the third time.” tap on the first choice A and agree with Eugene, then Hayden will turn into an evil spirit.
-After that, you’ll just have to continue till Joans part and not save her, then continue till the ending and another ending will be shown (sorry for not being to explain it better)
Charlie in Underworld Endings: How To Get Tap the timeline to see the complete bonus ending?
Timeline menu -> Chapter 7 -> Bonus for finishing dream.
Charlie in Underworld Walkthrough Guide: Album
- Meeting for the first time
- Something strange
- Blocked
- Dominated
- Aim
- Start
- Three
- Kitty’s Help
- In front of the flower shop
- Not Joan
- Sit-In
- Intruder
- Knitting Needle
- Neck Tie
- JO…AN?
- 5 Minute’s till work’s over
- Memory: parents
- In front of the police station
- Eugene’s room
- Out-of-body experience
- Mom’s special media
- The Chase
- Hayden: confirmation
- Agrees with Eugene as the last choice of chapter 3
- Someone hugs someone else
- Come out and talk
- Baby brother’s name
- Memory: Mommy
- Memory: Daddy
- Hayden and Eugene
- Two
- Cabinet
- In front of the office
- Riverside
- Appear
- Run Away
- Climbing Up
- Hole
- Back Up
- Memory: Gunpoint
- Smother
- Joan: Nightmare
- Joan: Neighbor
- Joan: Loaded gun
- Joan: Bill
- Two evil spirits
- Clash
- Choose to block the one who is trying to kill some as the last choice of chapter 4
- Block Joan
- Memory: School
- Memory: Mike
- Joan: Sealed
- Charlie’s Change
- River’s change
- Rage
- Racing
- Hair
- River Fighter
- River: Fall
- River: The end
- Funeral
- Bright Ghost
- Protection
- Boss and River
- Secret
- Sneakin In
- Shouting
- Leaving
- Joy and Eugene
- Boss, on the stairs
- Shaken
- Explosion
- Boss and Eugene
- Boss: Distance
- Boss: Fight
- Boss: Downfall
- Boss: Destiny
- Boss: The End
- A Mortal and an evil spirit
- Hopeless
- Memory: Fear
- Memory: Blood
- Memory: Shock
- Memory: Running away
- Memory: Scissors
- Tears
- Charlie and River
- Eugene and River
- Eye
- River and Boss
- Darkness
- Light
- Left Behind
- Smile
- Charlie, Eugene
- The swamp of evil spirits[Revi shared it in the comments below]
- Only Charlie in Underworld
- Charlie and Eugene
- Underworld Office[Revi shared it in the comments below]
Charlie in Underworld Walkthrough Guide: Achievements
- The Underworld Office’s Headache
- It hurts. It hurts so much[Revi shared it in the comments below]
- It does not hurt anymore
- What had to be done
- What should not have been done
- We are evil spirits
- A small blossom
- The swamp of evil spirits[Revi shared it in the comments below]
- Only Charlie in Underworld
- Charlie in Underworld
- Experience one ending
- All endings complete[Revi shared it in the comments below]
The Underworld Office’s Headache
- Problem? Probbbbblemmmm?
How am I a problem?
That’s a load of bull sh1t
It hurts. It hurts so much[Revi shared it in the comments below]
It does not hurt anymore
- Ugh. Sunlight is like poison to a
ghost. That fluffy cloud helps,
though. Hmph. It’s probably not.
What had to be done
- Grumpy old Granny.
You suffered in such a hellish
place. Even after it ended. Even
after you died.
But how can you choose to walk
back into it.
Sigh. Seriously.
I don’t know.
What should not have been done
- Grumpy old Granny.
How could she hat har
carry the weight of all that all by
and do that….
Sigh. Seriously.
I don’t know.
We are evil spirits
- Hate him.
Until you’re satisfied.
Then stop hating him.
Until you’re satisfied.
A small blossom
- I want you not to be in pain. You
and that kid next to you and those
guys over there and that idiot who
passed a while ago
The swamp of evil spirits[Revi shared it in the comments below]
Only Charlie in Underworld
- After the collapse, strange
occurences started to die down
and no one calls it the haunted
station anymore. No one is afraid
of it anymore.
Charlie in Underworld
- After the collapse, strange
occurences actually increased.
People are afraid, but they also
feel that something’s changed.
Experience one ending
- Ha, dude. Good job.
Nevermind, I’m just talking to
All endings complete[Revi shared it in the comments below]
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Heya, can anyone help me get the ending “Only Charlie”? I tried and went to the “the swamp of evil spirits” ending
Help me, please <:D
I’ve been trying to get ‘photo’ 31, which says ‘doesn’t say that they look bright’ I guess, but here it says Hayden and Eugene, could someone teach me how to get this photo?
Same tho ive tried everything please tell me if you get to know
Oh! I know. After you say “no” and go for the good route w/ Heyden he goes to charlie and eugene and you are given the choice “youre finally bright/thats bullsh1t” you choose second one
How to view the bonus ending? I finished all the endings and wondering how to view the bonus one?
Never mind got it for anyone who needs to find the bonus just click on chapter 7 and at the bottom it should say bonus end:dream or something like that
Here’s how to get the ending where Joan and Hayden become evil:
[Hayden] – Go to chapter 3 > “Dammit, it’s already the third time.” > “Yeah.” (You agree with Eugene)
[Joan] – Pick any options then “Quit your bullsh1t, Glasses and stay out of it.” (You side with Joan) > “Even so, he’s gonna kill all of Granny’s kids?”
If you have any questions, please respond to this comment and I (or someone else) will try my best to answer your question. Thanks!
What if you don’t have the “Yeah” option and only the “…No” one.
What if you don’t have the “Yeah” option and only the “…No” one.
you go to the start of the chapter and agree w/ Eugene
I don’t have the option where you agree with Eugene for some reason can I have help?
Guys, can you tell me how can i get a unable to reverse hayden’s evilization?
you have to agree with eugune, theres a part where youre given a choice to agree with eugene or not, if you agree with him there you will be able to agree with eugene in saving hayden, if you say “yeah.” hayden gets worse and turns into an evil spirit
Agree with Eugene
i suck big mangos
How do you get the slightly darker ending?
i dont exactly know too, but i think you always gotta be cruel and mean choosing, losing everyone, taking over eugenes body means you got the slightly darker ending.
Hello everyone!I figured out how to do the “Tap the timeline to complete the bonus ending”
All you gotta do is to tap the timeline (it’s a note symbol right corner down the screen) and choose Chapter 7:Collapse.Then it will give you 3 decisions.Choose the third one(last one) “Bonus for finishing:Dream”.And after a little talk,you’ll see the bonus ending! I hope that helps!
For the Bonus Route, check Chap 7 and go to Bonus: Dream it should be the third option.
Hi everyone. I completed 2/4 endings which are the “Charlie and Eugene” ending and “The Swamp of Evil Spirits” ending. I’m looking forward to solving the “Only Charlie in Underworld” ending.
I do not want to start a new game since it’s gonna take a long time to finish it so, I kindly ask any of you who has already unlocked this ending to share some tips on how to unlock this ending? It would really means a lot to me ?? Thank you so much!
oh nevermind! i got all of all them already ^^
How did you get the last ending?
Mind telling how you got the swamp of evil ending? I following the guide’s but it brought me to the Only Charlie ending.
Did you save Hayden or Joan ? To get the swamp of evil ending, they both need to become evil. It hurts for me, to not save that poor Hayden.
For hayden agree everything about what eugene says and for joan choose her side
İ hope it helped
the ending “Only Charlie in Underworld” is much darker than the other “version”, if I’m not mistaken in the darker version, Eugene says something about “Save yourself, Charlie” when he (Eugene) is inside River’s hair, I guess
Here’s the rest endings!
Chapter 7: collapse
3. Bonus for finishing: Dream
Charlie in Underworld Walkthrough Guide: Album
97. The swamp of evil spirits
100. Underworld Office
Charlie in Underworld Walkthrough Guide:
2. It hurts. It hurts so much.
8. The swamp of evil spirits
12. All endings complete
It hurts. It hurts so much.
– Goddamn kiddo.
It’d be better to hate them.
Hate them til you can’t feel anything.
No pain, no loneliness, nothing.
All endings complete
– Ha, dude. Good job.
It’s embarassing so move on.
Charlie in Underworld Endings: How To Get Sees the ending where both Hayden and Joan could not be saved?
– In order to get this ending where you cannot save Hayden anymore you have to tap on chapter 3. Hayden> “Dammit, it’s already the third time.”, tap on the first choice A and agree with Eugene, then hayden will turn into an evil spirit.
-After that you’ll just have to continue till Joans part and not save her, then continue till the ending and another ending will be shown (sorry for not being to explain it better)
I hope I could explain it and help!
Do we have to continue and play literally everything to get the ending where both Hayden and Joan could not be saved? That’s so long. I tried to shorten it by picking the agree with Eugene and then have Joan defend herself, then skipped to the final chapter, but it didn’t work.
Oh no, you should not have skipped; you have to continue from that part to the end
oh really? that’s why I try and fail, unlock only 2 endings, i will try again 🙂
Damn, its too long…it’s okay to finish hayden chapters and skipped joan chapters then the collapse?
Your doing it wrong then you mustnt skip it or it will not save
Pero no me
Deja sacar ese final en el capítulo 3 solo me aparece la opción de “no”
Que hago?