Star Stable Codes 2025: Free Rewards [February 2025]

Redeem SSO Codes 2025. An updated list of all new Star Stable Codes 2025. 

Star Stable Codes

Star Stable Codes 2025 Wiki

(Regular updates on Star Stable Codes 2025). This post is packed with all new Star Stable codes that all players can use and claim freebies. With most of the codes, you will be getting the in-game currency star coins, while some of the codes give cosmetics. So, let’s not waste any time and get to the main content featuring Star Stable codes Wiki: –

  • We re-checked for new Star Stable codes 2025. 

Star Stable Codes 2025 Wiki(New Working)⇓

Working Star Stable Codes 2025[SSO Codes 2025:

  • Y5LM924DMGED – Redeem this code for 2 Days of Free Star Rider
  • X8JZ949Y1XFK – Redeem this code for 3 Winter Tokens 
  • HOLLOWWOODS3DAYS – Redeem this code for 5 Garden Powders
  • HOLLYWOODSKEY5X – Redeem this code for 5 Garden Powders
  • FREEWEEKEND4SURE – Redeem this code for 3 days of Star Stable
  • BDAYSETSR4 – Redeem this code for free Gear
  • SSOCON23ALL – Redeem this code for SSO Convention 2023 T-shirt
  • RAINBOWUNITY – Redeem this code for Rainbow Head Ribbon 
  • BLIZZARD – Redeem this code for Celebrity Ski Trip Bridle and Saddle
  • TEAMCARROTS – Redeem this code for Purple Carrots for Saddlebag Pet
  • PONY – Redeem this code for Silversong Pony Leg Wraps (Only for Star Riders)
  • FORTPINTA – Redeem this code for Fort Pinta Leg Wraps (Only for Star Riders)
  • 1WEEKSR2023 – Redeem this code for X7 days Star Rider (Only for new players)
  • MOORLAND – Redeem this code for X Moorland Leg Wraps (Added on February 15th, 2023)
  • BROWN – Redeem this code for X1 Brown Bunny Pet (Added on January 23rd, 2023)
  • GREY – Redeem this code for X1 Grey Bunny Pet (Added on January 23rd, 2023)
  • AREWETHEREYETI22 – Redeem this code for X 300 star coins (Added on January 5th, 2023)
  • BACKUPBLANKET – Redeem this code for X1 Iberian-style blanket
  • SNOWRIDER5 – Redeem this code for X rewards[For new players] (Added on December 8th, 2022)
  • skideluxe – Redeem this code for X rewards (Added on December 8th, 2022)
  • bearhug – Redeem this code for X rewards (Added on December 8th, 2022)
  • BLACKFRIDAY2022 – Redeem this code for X3 colorful halters (Added on November 27th, 2022)
  • ALLIN2022 – Redeem this code for H&M We Love Horses Jacket
  • HWSTARRIDER – Halloween saddlebag and leg wraps (New – Only for star riders)
  • HWEVERYONE – Haunted Saddle (Added on October 13th, 2022)
  • HAPPYHORSE – Redeem this code and receive Party Hat cosmetics, Apples, and Horseshoes 
  • EVERYONE11 – Redeem this code and receive 100 Star Coins
  • RIDEWITHUS – Redeem this code and receive Hoodie
  • FEELINSPLENDID – Redeem this code and receive Imperial Splendor’s set
  • BRONZEJACKET – Redeem this code and receive Bronze Vest
  • SILVERJACKET – Redeem this code and receive Silver Vest 
  • DEERMASK4U – Redeem this code and receive Deer Mask & Reindeer Mask
  • SANTAHAT4U – Redeem code for Santa Hat
  • THUMBSUP— Redeem this code for a T-Shirt
  • READTHEBOOK— Redeem this code and get a Starshine Plush Saddlebag Pet
  • HORSESNACK— Redeem this code and get a one Apple and one Carrot Treat
  • STARSHINEPLUSH— Redeem this code and get a Starshine Plush Saddlebag Pet(New player only)
  • STARSTABLEHONEY – Redeem this code and get 4 days Star Rider(New player only)
  • 7DAYSBIRTHDAYFUN – Redeem this code and get 7 days Star Rider (New player only)

Star Stable codes are time-limited; these gift codes expire after a few days, so you should redeem them as soon as possible and claim the rewards to progress further the game. We keep an eye on the new valid codes for this game title, so we recommend you to visit this page regularly.

To avoid any gift code error, please make sure that you enter the redemption code in the game as we have displayed in the list we have listed above, including the special characters and letter case (capital & small letters).

Star Stable Codes [Expired]

As we have mentioned above, the redeem codes will work for only a specific time period. Below, we have shared all the expired codes, you can try redeeming these expired codes and see if they work for you: –

  • 200SUMMER4U: Redeem this code and receive 100 Star Coins
  • FEBRUARY22—Redeem this code and receive a Horse Plush Saddlebag Pet and a Rose Bouqet
  • HALLOW2021 – Redeem this code and receive x1 Pumpkin Shirt
  • QUALITY – Redeem this code and receive Upcycled Shorts
  • UPCYCLE – Redeem this code and receive Upcycled Shoes
  • THRIFT – Redeem this code and receive Jacket
  • FABRIC – Redeem this code and receive Gloves
  • THUMBSUP – Redeem this code and receive a T-shirt
  • Consumeless – Redeem this code and get the reward(Added on May 24, 2021, expires on May 26, 2021)
  • 1WEEKFREE – Redeem this code and receive X7 days Star Rider(Added on May 3, 2021)
  • STARSTABLEHONEY – Redeem this code and receive X4 days Star Rider
  • 7DAYSFREE – Redeem this Star Stable code and get the reward(Code released on March 13, 2021, Expires on March 16)
  • INSTA500K – Redeem this Star Stable code and get X150 Star Coins(code released on March 5, 2021)
  • FORESTER – Exchange this code and get Forester Hat (REPLACES MYSTIC & WARRIOR)
  • MYSTIC – Exchange this promo code and get Mystic Hat (This Code REPLACES FORESTER & WARRIOR)
  • WARRIOR – Exchange this promo code and get Warrior Hat (This Code REPLACES FORESTER & MYSTIC)
  • WARMWISH2020 – Exchange this promo code and get 300 Star Coins
  • WELOVEHORSES – Exchange this promo code and getH&M Grand Prix Jacket
  • BIRTHDAYFUN – Exchange this promo code and get100 Star Coins, Pink Balloon Pet, Flower Pet, Fripp Ears, and a Birthday Bat
  • OPENHOUSERED – Exchange this promo code and getRed Saddlebags and bows
  • OPENHOUSEBLUE – Exchange this promo code and JetBlue Saddlebags and bows
  • EXPLORESILVERGLADE – Exchange this promo code and get7 Days of Star Rider (New Players Only!)
  • RACEWITHME – Exchange this promo code and get100 Star Coins (Star Riders Only)
  • EXPLOREJORVIK – Exchange this promo code and get100 Star Coins (Star Riders Only)
  • READYSETDRAW – Exchange this promo code and get100 Star Coins (Star Riders Only)
  • TRAILRIDE – Exchange this promo code and get 100 Star Coins (Star Riders Only)
  • BLACKMASK – Exchange this promo code and get Masquerade Mask
  • GALENTIN3S – Exchange this promo code and get100 Star Coins
  • BESTIES4EVER – Exchange this promo code and get7 Days of Star Rider (New Players Only!)
  • 7HAPPYDAYS – Exchange this promo code and get7 Days of Star Rider (New Players Only!)
  • TRYGLOBALSTORE – Exchange this promo code and get150 Star Coins
  • CELEBR8ION – Exchange this promo code and get150 Star Coins, Masquerade Mask, Hat Bridle Decoration, Flower Bouquet for Saddle
  • 8ISGREAT – Exchange this promo code and get7 Days of Star Rider (New Players Only!)
  • IFOUNDCHAUN2019 – Exchange this promo code and get150 Star Coins
  • LVUSF – Exchange this promo code and get200 Star Coins
  • U58DB5CCDN – Exchange this promo code and get300 Star Coins
  • STARUNSTABLE50 – Exchange this promo code and get50 Star Coins
  • 200SUMMER4U – Exchange this promo code and get 200 Star Coins
  • 20H0L1D4YG1F716 – Exchange this promo code and get 300 Star Coins
  • 20HOLIDAYGIFT15 – Exchange this promo code and get 300 Star Coins
  • 3EMN6Q6FA – Exchange this promo code and get 300 Star Coins
  • 5THB1RTHY4Y – Exchange this promo code and getr 400 Star Coins
  • AMBASSADORSROCK – Exchange this promo code and get 50 Star Coins
  • BIRTHDAY3 – Exchange this promo code and get 300 Star Coins
  • CH4UNLEPRECH4UN – Exchange this promo code and get 25 Star Coins
  • CHAUN – Exchange this promo code and get 100 Star Coins
  • COMMUNITYLOVE – Exchange this promo code and get 200 Star Coins
  • DINOVALLEY – Exchange this promo code and get 100 Star Coins
  • EASTER200 – Exchange this promo code and get 200 Star Coins
  • FORTMARIA – Exchange this promo code and get 100 Star Coins
  • GOLDENHILLS – Exchange this promo code and get 100 Star Coins
  • HALLOWEEN2014 – Exchange this promo code and get 200 Star Coins

Star Stable Codes FAQ⇓

How To Redeem Star Stable Codes

  • -> Visit the official code redemption site,
  • -> Login to the in-game account.
  • -> Hit the “Account” button and click the “Redeem a Code link”.
  • -> Copy the codes from our list; all Star Stable codes are shared above
  • -> Paste the code; “Enter your code below” text.
  • -> Click the Redeem button to get the reward!

How To Get More Star Stable Codes?

More new Star Stable Codes are published on the game’s official social media handles like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and the game’s official Discord. Usually, the developers of the game publish the gift codes on special events like the game’s milestones, popular occasions, collaborations, and special events. We will update this gift code list with all the new redemption codes once available. You can bookmark this page and keep regularly checking for new codes.

What Are These Star Stable Codes?

SSO codes, gift codes, or coupon codes are unique codes developers share with players on their official social media handles, mostly on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Instagram, or YouTube channel. Or, sometimes, they share the codes on the game’s very own forum website. These SSO codes are different from the cheat codes. These Star Stable codes usually reward in-game currencies or items. Usually, the basic currency(the currency that you can farm by playing the game) or premium in-game currencies(hard to obtain by playing the game) are rewarded with the codes.

How Many Times Can You Use A Star Stable Code?

A particular Star Stable code can only be used once per account by a player. If you have already redeemed a code and you try to redeem it again, it would not work, and the game will display a message saying you have already redeemed the gift code.

Are These SSO Codes Permanent?

Some SSO codes are permanent, while some last for a few days or are limited to a certain number of usage. A permanent code, a code that’s not time-sensitive, can be redeemed once by a player, anytime. Time-sensitive or time-limited SSO codes are limited – the date is set by the developers. Once the time limit has been reached, you will not be able to redeem these codes.

When Will Developers Release New Star Stable Codes?

There is no fix time. It all depends on the game developers. Most developers release new gift codes weekly, on Weekends, Mondays, or Fridays. Some developers release new gift codes on festive dates. For instance, New Year, Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Labor Day, Independence Day, Christmas Eve, New Year Eve, etc.

Is There Any Requirement To Redeem Star Stable Codes?

There is no prior requirement to redeem the SSO codes; as long as it’s active, you can redeem the codes.

So this would be all in this post on Star Stable Codes. 

Also, see – 

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Leave a Comment

288 thoughts on “Star Stable Codes 2025: Free Rewards [February 2025]”

  1. my only thing is, I would really like more star coins and I really would like if you guys went through because a lot of the codes that you say are not expired are expired just a gift if you could. Thank you.

  2. Hey can you please please make more star coin(sc) codes for free?i just really need it.and all of us would love it! And if y’all would lower the star coins price a lot and I mean a lot mor people would buy star coins and I would be very thankful . Also for the people that don’t have star rider yet can you also lower that down it would help me and you might would earn more money cuz more people would buy it! It would be a blessing and them if you do!!!!!!!

  3. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn es mal wieder einen Code, der alles enthält geben würde. Zum Beispiel das am nächsten Mittwochsupdate ein neuer Code raus kommt der 2 Wochen SR und 200 SC enthält.
    Oder das JEDER SPIELER ( die die kein sr sind ) während dem Reitsportfestival immer SR sind und insgesamt noch 500 SC bekommen.

    Das ist erwas übertrieben, ich weiß aber das würde mich sehr sehr freuen

    LG eure Lea

  4. Hej Starstable kan ni läga ut mer koder som ger starcoins och mer coder som gör att man blir starrider och att husdjur kostar Jorvik kilings och inte starcoins MEN STARSTABLE ÄR ETT UNDERBART SPEL FAST JAG INTE ÄR STARRIDER HAR JAG LEVT UPP MONGA ÄVENTYR TACK NI SOM HAR GJORT STASTABLE.

  5. why cant it be code with like 700 sc like the people that cant afford will nver be able to have fun in starstable bc then you could have a horse som pretty clothes and tack and even have some sc left!

  6. io adoro questo gioco per favore date 1000 sc a serena firemountain il mio accuount ok nn ho abbastanza soldi per comprarli per favore delle volte nn riesco neanche a mangiare tutti giorni

  7. star stable ik wil dol graag de nieuwe haflingers maar ik heb die star coins niet dus wil je mij 500 star coins geven (PS: ik heet Eva Desertshield op sso)

  8. lieve star stable online wil je op het midzomer feest (2022) deze code uit brengen: MIDZOMERFEEST2022 ( deze code betekend dat je 300 starcoins krijgt)

  9. Hello star stable, can you add back the glitch at morland stables on the beach cause I want to do a lot of role plays with the glitch so please add it back

  10. I used codes to get Star coins but they never went to my account. its been around 8 hours since i used them. Does anyone know why?

  11. Ich finde es eigentlich schade das hier so viele sc Codes sind aber die meisten nicht mehr brauchbar sind. Ich hätte eine Idee das man vielleicht die aktuellen Codes egal für was einfach auf die Startseite setzt wen man sich einloggt weil die meisten leute können jetzt nicht einfach mal sagen wir gucken mal da und da.

  12. hallo star stable waar staan de IJslanders nu. die IJslander die in Fort Pinta stont wilen jullie die weer trug zeten dat was de enige pony die zoveel op mijn lievelinks pony lijkt en ik vim het fijn dat het Ruiterfestival er weer is groetjes van Fenna sperling PS willen jullie me codes voor 500 star Coins geven doei PS2 mijn star stable popetke heet Kelia Lowblanket doei star stable

  13. Star stable I feel like you should have some of the horses be jovik coins because people sometimes don’t have enough money to get star coins! And sometimes people don’t know about redeeming codes. And you should maybe put more star coins for redeeming codes thank you! 🙂

  14. hey i tryed all of these codes Hunny none of them work so maybe next time try trying them before you post them Bye Luv Ya! <3

  15. Dear starstable,
    Could you make it possible to use a code for one of the ponies? I really want a pony haha, and make more comes for SC?

  16. YOU shoudl be able to do any code when ever you want because its unfai if you have to wait a hole year just to redeem a code and you shouldnt have to wait 1 minute just to reedeem another code



  19. hey star stable i just bought well not just but on double star coin week i bought 30 dollors worth of star coins and they never gave me them and the reicin i could nott contact you sooner is because i had to find away to contact you well can you pls give me my star coins back there where 2000

  20. dear star stable exuse me star stable, can i have like 1000 star coins pls cuz i rlly need them!

    pls read my comment
    your fellow gamer …..

  21. The last one is READTHEBOOK finally we made it i know some of you guys did not type the code so type them now and bye starfams!

  22. 1WEEKFREE the code is not working for me and i really want to know wheather it is working for you or NOT! If you ask me i suggest you put in with every code you put in in bracekts say when it as releassed and when it will get expired

    Kind regard

    -Khansa zaib / [email protected]= my password is haadiyaHa9nasia

  23. Hey SSO!!! i am a big fan og your game!! and i have an question i rlly need 600 SC or 700 Please donate me that:C i really need it for buy the horse Ydris maked :/

  24. star stable is just trying to take your money by buying star coins and star rider its just trying to waste your time its like every week they bring new horse and other stuff

  25. hi uh, i could really really do with some star coins to pay off feed for my horses and so that i could maybe look cool and get a new whip and a new hairstyle? star coins: 2000

  26. okay i just wanted to ask id someone can just give me like 1500sc i really wanna get a pony and a horse and tack and clothes and stuff

  27. StarStable, i got an idea code please add it to the next Wednesday! The code is “MOONLIGHT”
    (Give’s you 200 sc only for ONLY star riders!)
    Please starstable! MOONLIGHT code is really.. AMAZING! Please add this code for the next Wednesday :3

  28. Star Stable hasn’t released the usual Valentine’s Day race with Lowe West-burg, but on their Instagram it says they released a Galentine’s Day art Challenge. Last time they did a art challenge we got a Star Coin code once it was completed, so I think that may be the answer. Last year they did not do the Gold Digging for St. Patrick’s Day eaither.

  29. hopefully they release a valentines day code..and you guys are asking for 1k+ sc you already know star stable will NOT do that but maybe like a Valentine2020 code for a few valentine items and 300sc? idk
