Arcane Odyssey Shadow Magic Guide[February 2025]

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Arcane Odyssey Shadow Magic Guide

Arcane Odyssey Shadow Magic Guide

  • Status Effect: Drained

When using this magic, the user can inflict the Drained status effect on their target, which causes the color of the target’s screen to be drained, leaving only black, white, and grey. Additionally, Light spells are weakened when used against a target under the effect of Drained.

It’s worth noting that Shadow Magic is not particularly effective when used in combination with Light or Freeze magic. In terms of clashing power, Sandy Magic has both advantages and disadvantages against various other types of magic. Sandy magic has a 1.3x clash advantage against Ash Magic and Wind Magic, as well as a 1.2x clash advantage against Poison Magic and Plasma Magic, and a 1.1x clash advantage against Ice Magic. On the other hand, Sandy Magic is neutral against Acid Magic, Water Magic, Fire Magic, and Light Magic.

In terms of disadvantage, Sandy Magic has a 0.9x clash disadvantage against Wood Magic and Crystal Magic, a 0.8x clash disadvantage against Earth Magic, Explosion Magic, and Magma Magic, and a 0.75x clash disadvantage against Metal Magic. Additionally, Sandy Magic has a 0.7x clash disadvantage against Sand Magic, Lightning Magic, and Snow Magic, and a 0.6 clash disadvantage against Glass Magic. Overall, Shadow Magic is a powerful tool in the right hands, but its limitations and weaknesses must be taken into account when utilizing it in battle.

Other Magics:

Also, see – Arcane Odyssey Codes. Arcane Odyssey Trello. Arcane Odyssey Best Magic Tier List. [Arcane Odyssey Map Wiki]

So this would be all in this post on Arcane Odyssey Shadow Magic Guide. 

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