Black Raisin Cookie Toppings Build [February 2025]

Read on for the Black Raisin Cookie toppings build guide and find out the best toppings for Black Raisin Cookie in the CRK[Cookie Run Kingdom] 2025. 

Black Raisin Cookie Toppings Build

Black Raisin Cookie Toppings Build In CRK

Best toppings build for Black Raisin Cookie in CRK[Cookie Run Kingdom]:

  • X5 Searing Raspberry Toppings[Full ATK Build]
  • X5 Swift Chocolate Toppings
  • A mix of X3 Searing Raspberry + X2 Swift Choco. 
  • Equip Radiant Cheese version of toppings for better stats

The best Black Raisin Cookie Toppings build set in the Cookie Run Kingdom would be the X5 Searing Raspberry Full ATK DMG Build, which gives more DMG to Black Raisin, allowing you to get more DMG output from Black Raisin if she is your main DMG unit in the team. We recommend this topping build for Black Raisin. Another Black Raisin Cookie Toppings build set would be X5 Swift Choco or a mix of X3 Searing Raspberry + X2 Swift Choco. 

Black Raisin Cookie Toppings Build Overview

  • Name: Black Raisin Cookie
  • Black Raisin Cookie Toppings Build: X5 Searing Raspberry Toppings[Full ATK Build], X5 Swift Chocolate Toppings, A mix of X3 Searing Raspberry + X2 Swift Choco. 
  • Equip Radiant Cheese version of toppings for better stats
  • Type: Ambush
  • Middle
  • Rarity: Epic

Black Raisin Cookie Toppings Build: Skill Info

  • No one can hide from the keen Black Raisin Eye! The Cookie vanishes into the shadows and appears amidst the enemy ranks, and strikes several times, dealing substantial area damage.
  • x14 second base cd
  • Damage dealt: 79.7% (+1% DMG per level)

Black Raisin Cookie Toppings: Story

Harsh wind, crooked trees, streets ravaged by the war… Who is it there, hiding among the shadows? Black Raisin Cookie, the sole protector of the unfortunate remnants of a once-great Kingdom. Made of shriveled, wrinkly raisins, this Cookie has learned the value of survival no matter what. Even having lost one arm to the dangers of this rough barred, this Cookie keeps hunting for scarce food to feed those who put their trust in her. Despite all the hardships, Black Raisin Cookie doesn’t lose the warmth of a Cookie heart: everyone deserves help, even a sorry one-legged crow. A new day is breaking, and another challenge is here. But Black Raisin Cookie will be there for the villagers, watching over them from the dark.

So this would be all in this post on Black Raisin Cookie Toppings Build. 

Other Guides for CRK – Cookie Run Kingdom

Want to know about other Cookies as well? Here is the list of all the Cookies that we have covered; tap on the cookie name to open the topping profile:

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4 thoughts on “Black Raisin Cookie Toppings Build [February 2025]”

  1. Hello can you join my guild in cookie run the server is hollyberry the name is theblackberrys I’m looking for some active players thank you
