Mala Sauce Cookie Toppings Build [February 2025]

Read on for the Mala Sauce Cookie toppings build guide and find out the best toppings for Mala Sauce Cookie in the CRK[Cookie Run Kingdom] 2025. 

Mala Sauce Cookie Toppings Build

Mala Sauce Cookie Toppings Build In CRK

Best toppings build for Mala Sauce Cookie in CRK[Cookie Run Kingdom]:

  • X5 Solid Almond Toppings With Cooldown Sub Stats[For longer survivability]
  • X5 Searing Raspberry Toppings(For + DMG)
  • X5 Swift Chocolate Toppings With DMG Resist Sub Stats

The best Mala Sauce Cookie Toppings build sets in the Cookie Run Kingdom are the X5 Solid Almond set with CD substats, X5 Swift Chocolate with DMG Resist Substats, and X5 Searing Raspberry for more DMG. The Solid Almond Toppings build with CD substats allow Mala Sauce Cookie to survive longer and cast the skill quickly. With the Swift Choco toppings build with DMG Resist substats, Mala Sauce will quickly unleash the skill and survive a little longer. Or, you can go with X5 Searing Raspberry toppings build, which gives her more DMG, since her DMG output is not good, this build might work for you. 

Mala Sauce Cookie Toppings Build Overview

  • Name: Mala Sauce Cookie
  • Mala Sauce Cookie Toppings Builds: X5 Solid Almond Toppings With Cooldown Sub Stats, or X5 Searing Raspberry Toppings(For + DMG), or  X5 Swift Chocolate Toppings With DMG Resist Sub Stats
  • Type: Charge
  • Front
  • Rarity: Epic

Mala Sauce Cookie Toppings Build: Skill Info⇓

  • Skill Description; Mala Sauce Cookie strikes the ground with her mace, rupturing it and inflict AoE DMG. Spicy Mala Sauce lava will erupt from the crack and apply the burn debuff causing DMG over time to the foes. In addition, this skill increases the CRIT % of the two friendly units with the highest CRT stats

So this would be all in this post on Mala Sauce Cookie Toppings Build.

Other Guides for CRK – Cookie Run Kingdom

Want to know about other Cookies as well? Here is the list of all the Cookies that we have covered; tap on the cookie name to open the topping profile:

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