Sea Fairy Cookie Toppings Build [February 2025]

Read on for the Sea Fairy Cookie toppings build guide and find out the best toppings for Sea Fairy Cookie in the CRK[Cookie Run Kingdom] 2025. 

Sea Fairy Cookie Toppings Build

Sea Fairy Cookie Toppings Build In CRK

Best toppings build for Sea Fairy Cookie in CRK[Cookie Run Kingdom]:

  • X5 Swift Chocolate to reduce CD(For Arena, Exploration, and Others)[Most Recommended]
  • X5 Searing Raspberry (Full ATK Build)
  • Optional: Swift Chocolate Toppings(mix with Searing Raspberry or Solid Almond Toppings)
  • Equip Sea Salt version of toppings for better stats

The two best Sea Fairy Cookie Toppings build sets in the Cookie Run Kingdom would be the X5 Searing Raspberry Toppings/Full ATK build and the X5 Swift Chocolate/Arena Build. The full ATK DMG build/X5 Searing Raspberry Toppings will increase the DMG dealt by Sea Fairy Cookie during the battle. The Cooldown build will reduce the skill CD; the skill unleashed by Sea Fairy Cookie will be unleashed swiftly during the battle. Focus on DMG resistance sub-stats. The default CD is set at 17 seconds, which is quite long, so better go with the full X5 Swift Chocolate Build, especially in the Arena. Or a mix of swift chocolate toppings and searing raspberry/solid almond toppings. 

Sea Fairy Cookie Toppings Build Overview

  • Name: Sea Fairy Cookie
  • Sea Fairy Cookie Toppings Build: X5 Swift Chocolate to reduce CD(For Arena, Exploration, and Others)[Most Recommended], X5 Searing Raspberry (Full ATK Build)
  • Optional: Swift Chocolate Toppings(mix with Searing Raspberry or Solid Almond Toppings)
  • Equip Sea Salt version of toppings for better stats
  • Type: Charge
  • Front
  • Rarity: Epic

Sea Fairy Cookie Toppings Build: Skill Info⇓

  • Sea Fairy fires a stream of water, inflicting DMG and stunning X5 closest enemies. After a certain amount of time, a full moon-shaped pool of water created underneath the targets bursts up with the power of eternity, dealing heavy DMG. (Skill cannot be used on summoned foes.)
  • X17 second base CD
  • Water Stream DMG: 150.0%
  • Water Pillar DMG: 173.0% (+4.4% DMG per level)
  • Stun: 3.0 sec

So this would be all in this post on Sea Fairy Cookie Toppings Build. 

Other Guides for CRK – Cookie Run Kingdom

Want to know about other Cookies as well? Here is the list of all the Cookies that we have covered; tap on the cookie name to open the topping profile:

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3 thoughts on “Sea Fairy Cookie Toppings Build [February 2025]”

  1. Hello can you join my guild in cookie run the server is hollyberry the name is theblackberrys I’m looking for some active players thank you
