Candy Diver Cookie Toppings Build [February 2025]

Read on for the Candy Diver Cookie toppings build guide and find out the best toppings for Candy Diver Cookie in the CRK[Cookie Run Kingdom] 2025. 

Candy Diver Cookie Toppings Build(Cookie Run Kingdom)

Candy Diver Cookie Toppings Build In CRK

Best toppings build for Candy Diver Cookie in CRK[Cookie Run Kingdom]:

  • X5 Swift Chocolate Toppings with amplify buff sub-stat(Recommended)
  • X5 Sweet Candy Toppings(Recommended)
  • Swift Chocolate + Sweet Candy

The best Candy Diver Cookie toppings build would be a set of X5 Sweet Candy Toppings or X5 Swift Chocolate Toppings. The sweet candy topping build will increase the amplify buff rate -> which means an increased super success rate of getting a rare relic(Black Pearl Shell) and unleashing its powerful effect: Healing +10.9% every X1.0 sec for X7.0 sec, Amplify Buff +15.0% for 10.0 sec, ATK +25.0% for 10.0 sec.

Another best build is a set of X5 Swift Chocolate Toppings with amplify buff sub-stat. You will reduce the skill CD, cast it more number of times, get the most out of its healing and supporting abilities, and at the same time stack up the failed success carryover rate, which will eventually help the cookie to trigger the super success effect. Remember that failed super success carryover rate is 15%; so this build can be useful as well if you want to get that rare relic.

Both the builds are good and recommended, but we like this x5 swift choco with amplify sub-stat set the most. 

OR go with a hybrid build; Swift Chocolate + Sweet Candy.

Candy Diver Cookie Toppings Build Overview

  • Name: Candy Diver Cookie
  • Candy Diver Cookie Toppings Build: X5 Swift Chocolate Toppings with amplify buff sub-stat(Recommended), X5 Sweet Candy Toppings(Recommended)
  • Hybrid build; Swift Chocolate + Sweet Candy
  • Type: Charge
  • Front
  • Rarity: Epic

Candy Diver Cookie Toppings Build: Skill Info⇓

Candy Diver Cookie’s skill is “Deep Sea Diver.” Description:

Candy Diver Cookie’s regular strikes decrease the DEF of nearest foes and amplify the DMG they receive. Upon unleashing their skill, Candy Diver Cookie will discover various relics from the deep sea, and these relics can give buffs and heal other allies.

The super success rate will increase depending on Candy Diver Cookie’s amplify buff rate. Every relic offers a different effect. Candy Diver Cookie has become immune to enemy ATKs by obtaining the safeguarded ability while wandering the depths of duskgloom sea.  

So this would be all in this post on Candy Diver Cookie Toppings Build. 

Other Guides for CRK – Cookie Run Kingdom

Want to know about other Cookies as well? Here is the list of all the Cookies that we have covered; tap on the cookie name to open the topping profile:

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