Mango Cookie Toppings Build [February 2025]

Read on for the Mango Cookie toppings build guide and find out the best toppings for Mango Cookie in the CRK[Cookie Run Kingdom] 2025. 

Mango Cookie Toppings Build

Mango Cookie Toppings Build In CRK

Best toppings build for Mango Cookie in CRK[Cookie Run Kingdom]:

  • X5 Searing Raspberry OR
  • X5 Swift Chocolate to reduce CD
  • Equip Tropical Rock version of toppings for better stats

The two best Mango Cookie Toppings build sets in the Cookie Run Kingdom are the X5 Searing Raspberry Toppings ATK DMG build and the X5 Swift Chocolate Toppings Cooldown build. The X5 Searing Raspberry Toppings build will give more ATK DMG output to middle-line Mango Cookie, while the cooldown build reduces the skill CD, allowing Mango Cookie to unleash the skill swiftly during the battle. Both the topping builds are good for Mango Cookie. 

Mango Cookie Toppings Build Overview

  • Name: Mango Cookie
  • Mango Cookie Toppings Build: X5 Searing Raspberry OR X5 Swift Chocolate to reduce CD
  • Equip Tropical Rock version of toppings for better stats
  • Type: Magic
  • Middle
  • Rarity: Epic

Mango Cookie Toppings Build: Skill Info⇓

  • Mango Cookie sends forward a wave of tropical mango juice, inflicting DMG to enemies. The fresh, sweet waves also increase the ATK of allies for a short time.
  • 15 sec base Cooldown
  • Single hit DMG: 57.0% (+0.8% DMG per level)
  • +10.0% ATK for 7.0 sec

Also, see – 

Mango Cookie Toppings: Story⇓

The sun glistens above the serene palm trees of the Tropical Soda Archipelago. Once you arrive, Mango Cookie will give you a cheerful, hearty welcome making you feel right at home! With ripe mangoes mixed straight into the dough, Mango Cookie is pure-spirited and tenderhearted. Whether it’s spending time along the emerald coasts or exploring the islands with his canoe, Mango Cookie makes sure to enjoy life to the fullest. When the sun reaches its peak, sometimes he’ll hang up his hammock underneath the shade of the palm trees and take a relaxing nap. When Cookies visit the archipelago, Mango Cookie can’t help becoming a hyper cha

So this would be all in this post on Mango Cookie Toppings Build. 

Other Guides for CRK – Cookie Run Kingdom

Want to know about other Cookies as well? Here is the list of all the Cookies that we have covered; tap on the cookie name to open the topping profile:

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2 thoughts on “Mango Cookie Toppings Build [February 2025]”

  1. Hello can you join my guild in cookie run the server is hollyberry the name is theblackberrys I’m looking for some active players thank you
